Volunteer Sign-Up, Pick-Up & Drop-Off
If you want to help pickup food being donated, head to the Google Doc below and fill in your name in the slot you want to fill, and check the delivery off once you have delivered it to the specified pantry. Fill in the amount of hours it took you to complete this delivery and log the hours on x2VOL as well. If accurate, they'll be approved and verified.
Write/Edit for E.D.I.T.
If you are passionate about topics involving food allergies, love writing or editing, and want to help make a difference in the community, apply to be a writer or editor for SAFE’s monthly released magazine, E.D.I.T., standing for Education Discoveries Information and Tips. Fill out the form below to apply and we will get back to you as soon as possible to inform you if E.D.I.T. seems like the right fit for you.